


Time flies so fast. The year of 2018 is coming! Every country, in its own way, welcomes the new year and says goodbye to the old year. Each has special and interesting traditions to express their hopes and wishes.
1西班牙:12grapes for good luck

New Year's Eve in Spain is usually for family get-togethers with music and games. People keep 12 grapes ready and as the clock strikes 12 midnight they eat one on each stroke to secure 12 happy months in the coming year. Adults are supposed to make children as happy as possible on New Year's Day because it is believed to be ominous if children quarrel or cry on that day.
元且前夕,西班牙人所有家庭成员都团聚在一起净角的意思,以音乐和游戏相庆贺。午夜来临,12点的钟声刚开始敲第一响,大家便争着吃葡萄懒人稻 。加果能按钟声吃下12颗,便象征着新年的每个月都一切如意。元旦这天,西班牙人最忌讳孩子打闹和哭啼,林志忆 认为这是不祥之兆。所以元旦的时候,大人总是会尽量满足孩子们的要求。
2意大利:Toss out the old

Italy's tradition is to throw gadgets on the floor to see them break into tiny pieces. People also toss out old things in the hopes of forgetting past misfortunes and clearing the decks for good luck in the new year.
3印度:New Year not happy

New Year is a happy time for most places, but not for some regions in India. People gather to wail together to mourn flying time and a short life, which New Year's marks in their opinion.People in other regions fast to enter the coming year.
4瑞士:Do sports on 1st day

People in Switzerland enjoy sports on New Year's Day. Some climb mountains, some ski along snow-covered forest trails, and some join stilt-walk competitions. All these activities are meant as wishes for good health in the coming year.
瑞士人有元旦健身的习惯,他们有的成群结队去爬山;有的在山林中沿着长长的雪道滑雪;还有的会举行踩高跷比赛,男女老幼齐上阵星期六约会 ,互祝身体健康。
5希腊:Eat a cake with a coin

On New Year's Day in Greece, a special cakes made with a coin inside. The cake is cut into several pieces and shared by family and friends. Legend has it that the person who has the slice of cake with the coin inside will enjoy good luck for the rest of the year. People send him or her their congratulations.
元旦时,希腊人家家都要做一个大蛋糕何晴近况 ,然后在里面放一枚银币。主人将蛋糕切成若干块,分给家人或来访的亲朋好友。谁吃到带有银币的那块蛋糕,谁就成为新年最幸运的人,大家都向他或她表示祝贺。
6英国:Well water drenches new year

Every British family is supposed to make sure that they have enough wine and meat on December 31, or the result will be poverty in the coming year. Meanwhile, people in some regions contend to be the first person to draw well water, because it is believed to be good luck and to bring happiness to that person in the new year.
元旦前一天,英国人家家户户都必须做到瓶中有酒,橱中有肉苏醒树 。英国人认为,如果没有余下的酒肉,来年便会贫穷。除此之外,在英国一些地区,至今还保留着新年"打井水"的风俗,人们都争取第一个去打水,认为第一个打水人为幸福之人,打来的水是吉祥之水。
7巴拉圭:Light scarecrow on fire

In Paraguay, people create an effigy and dress him up like a scarecrow when the new year comes. This effigy is decorated with old newspapers and firecrackers. The scarecrow symbolizes all the bad things of the last year. To get rid of these bad things, every family lights aneffigy on fire at midnight.
8阿富汗:Grab goat to celebrate

Buzkashi is a New Year celebration in Afghanistan. Buzkashi translated into English means "goat grabbing". A headless carcass of a goat is placed in the center of a circle and surrounded by players of 2 teams on horseback. The object of the game is to pick up the carcass.
在阿富汗,当地居民每逢新年伊始都要举行激烈的马背叼羊比赛等传统活动。马背叼羊在英语中就是抢山羊比赛。比赛时春天的图画,人们把无头的山羊尸体放在一个大圆圈中心,两支比赛队伍骑在马背上展开激烈争夺豪爵悦星 ,先抢到山羊者获胜。
9日本:Visit temple to pray for good

January 1st is called Shogatsu in Japan and thought to be best start by viewing the New Year's first sunrise. It is traditional to make a visit called Hatsumoude to a shrine or temple on the first day of the year. Special dishes are served on Shogatsu下花园贴吧 , but people usually eat vegetarian dishes in the 3 days following Shogatsu. This is supposed to bring good luck and money in the New Year.
10蒙古:Crack whip in air

In Mongolia, elderly people dress like sheepherders when the new year arrives. They wear leather coats, fur hats and hold whips, making loud noises by cracking the whip in the air. These activities are believed to drive evil spirits away and bless the new year.
每当新年到来之际,蒙古的老人都会装扮成牧羊人的样子,穿着毛绒的皮外套、头戴皮帽、手拿鞭子克罗地亚队 ,同时不停地把鞭子在空中抽得啪啪响,以示驱除过去一年的邪恶,祝福崭新的一年。
Another fresh new year is here...
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear神甲奇兵,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest...
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
做最好的自己——飞的更远奶糖哥 。
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs名门嫡姝 ! (William ArthurWard, American author)
新年给了我新的机会虚拟村庄3 ,


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